Virtual Reality For Greenfield Used In Marketing

Facing logistical challenges, Greenfield, an Indian CNC machine manufacturer, turned to Exposit to create an innovative solution to showcase their full product line, including upcoming models, at an exhibition. Exposit developed an immersive VR solution, enabling visitors to virtually explore the factory, engage with machinery, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the company’s offerings. The VR experience, a striking feature at the exhibition, amplified audience engagement, increased inquiries, and generated more leads, underscoring the positive impact of immersive technology in presenting product portfolios.

Problem statement:

Greenfield is an India company manufacturing various types of CNC Machines. They participated into an exhibition and they had challenges to showcases all the ranges of their existing machines as well upcoming which were not ready to shift. Due to transport and space concern, they can not occupy all their machineries. So, they wanted to have a solution where they can demonstrate all their machines/products in same area, and they approached for the same.

Description of the solution:

We developed an Immersive VR based solution for the company, which they used in 3 day exhibition as well for all the elite visitors and investor. The VR solution had all their existing as well upcoming machineries and company setup in it which they could demonstrate to their elite customers in new technological way. User can visit the factory in virtual reality, interact with machine, can have a look on the machine from all the angles and enjoy the experience.


Business impact:

By implementing the VR technology in the exhibition and elite investor visits, the client company able to grab the attention of all the audiences available there in exhibition and able to attract much more fruitfall. People were enjoying the experience and enquiring for more details about the company and results into more leads over there.