
AR App for eCommerce

Elevate your online shopping experience with our cutting-edge AR App. Customers can instantly visualize products in their own space, from furniture to fashion, ensuring they make informed decisions. This innovative tool not only boosts buyer confidence but also reduces return rates, by offering a try-before-you-buy experience that bridges the gap between digital and physical shopping.

Real-time product visualization in customer’s space
Enhances buyer confidence and decision-making
Reduces return rates by offering a virtual try-before-you-buy experience

AR Models for eCommerce

Our high-quality AR Models bring your products to life in the customer’s own environment, providing a detailed, 360-degree view. From texture to size, shoppers can explore products up close, creating a more engaging and informative shopping experience. Perfect for a wide range of products, these models are designed to increase conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Detailed, 360-degree product visualization
Provides a closer look at texture, color, and size
Increases engagement, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction

Augmented Reality

With our AR technology, e-commerce businesses can offer virtual try-on experiences for clothing, accessories, and eyewear items. AR also empowers customers to virtually place furniture and home decor items in their own space, ensuring the right fit and aesthetic before purchasing. AR boosts customers’ confidence in their purchases and reduces the likelihood of returns.

3D Modeling

Our 3D modeling services offer customers a more engaging and interactive way to explore products and significantly enhance the online shopping experience, allowing customers to better understand a product’s look, feel, and dimensions. This level of detail and interactivity helps reduce the uncertainty associated with online shopping, leading to higher customer satisfaction and fewer returns.

Incorporating 3D models into your e-commerce platform sets your business apart from competitors, demonstrating your commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction.


Our animation services enable businesses to create dynamic and immersive product demonstrations that grab the attention of potential customers. With Exposit’s animation expertise, we create easy-to-follow product assembly and DIY tutorials helping your customers to visualize the process, reducing confusion, and enhancing their overall experience with your brand.

Incorporate animated content into your marketing campaigns to create a lasting impression on your target audience. Animations can convey complex ideas and product features in a simple and engaging manner, helping your brand stand out in the competitive e-commerce landscape.


Our animation services enable businesses to create dynamic and immersive product demonstrations that grab the attention of potential customers. With Exposit’s animation expertise, we create easy-to-follow product assembly and DIY tutorials helping your customers to visualize the process, reducing confusion, and enhancing their overall experience with your brand.

Incorporate animated content into your marketing campaigns to create a lasting impression on your target audience. Animations can convey complex ideas and product features in a simple and engaging manner, helping your brand stand out in the competitive e-commerce landscape.