Virtual Fire Safety Training

Exposit Immersive Solution Private Limited helped Asian Spring a spring manufacturing company based in Delhi – NCR in their Fire Safety Training Module which increased the effectiveness of the training by more than 80%.

Problem statement:

Asian Spring is spring manufacturing company in Delhi NCR where Fire and Safety Training used to be very key training for them. But they were facing the challenges in the resource utilization and not all the trainees can be trained as per their availability. Also they were not getting the effectiveness of the same. They wanted to have an immersive and effective way of training.

Description of the solution:

Exposit developed a Virtual Reality based Virtual Fire and Safety Training Module for the Asian Spring. So, now with the help of VR headgear they can train their employees with more immersion and effectiveness. A Trainee can access it at its own availability and they can train them as much time they want until the trainee get fully train.

Business impact:

The Virtual Fire Safety Training Module helped Asian spring to deliver an effective and immersive training program for their existing and upcoming employees. They can train their employees at their own timeline, they don’t need to spend money again and again over physically less effective drills and they can give 80% more effective and immersive training to their employees.