Our driver induction solution sparks a journey of excellence by empowering drivers with knowledge and skills, resulting in elevated safety standards
Clear rules, safer driving, fewer accidents led to smooth operation on site
Thorough understanding, regulatory adherence, reduced violations
Streamlined onboarding, centralized information, smoother workflows
Welcome to Exposit, your gateway to driver induction excellence. Our user-friendly web-based platform offers an engaging onboarding experience for drivers, combining informative tutorial animations and interactive quizzes. Master the rules and regulations specific to your site, demonstrate your understanding through the quiz, and receive an SMS notification to access the sites. Join us in promoting safety and empowering drivers for a successful journey on the site.
The Exposit helps Businesses come-up with AR use cases that can enhance customer engagement and help create a unique Brand Identity.
Contact our team of experts today, and let’s work together to create a more innovative and connected world through AR/VR and the metaverse.