Ingresqr needed to prepare new employees for work with more interesting and effective forms of training. From the traditional boring methods that were difficult to remember, the newcomers became dull and unmotivated. There must be something fun, interactive, and able to keep everyone interested and help them really understand what is being trained.
Problem statement:
Ingresqr needed an innovative approach in training new employees. After all, the process should not be boring and must be fun and dynamic. Since performance was not monitored in real time and learning and the pace with which each trainee learns are not the same, the traditional methods of training turned out to be pretty unengaging
Description of the solution:
Exposit created a gamified training platform for Ingresqr, which transformed boring learning into something interesting and engaging. It have exciting challenges, points, and reward-based engagement systems that help keep the trainee motivated, along with real-time tracking of an individual’s progress and feedback in real-time to make learning fun and self-paced.
Business impact:
The gamified solution increased engagement among the trainees, improved retention of knowledge, and enhanced an efficient onboarding process. Ingresqr enables the monitoring of each employee’s progression with an enhanced ability to tailor experiences for every learner in a way that has a significant improvement in training outcomes.
Contact our team of experts today, and let’s work together to create a more innovative and connected world through AR/VR and the metaverse.