VR Experience For Kalavarni Jewellers

When Kalavarni Jewellers, an Indian-based retail outlet, sought a novel way to showcase their exquisite jewellery line during the opening of their new flagship outlet, they turned to Exposit. We created a captivating virtual reality experience, weaving a rich narrative set in a royal palace in Bikaner, featuring models adorned with Kalavarni’s jewellery. The VR solution, premiered at their outlet opening, garnered immense appreciation, offering a regal experience to customers and successfully attracting attention to their unique jewellery collection.

Problem statement:

Kalavarni Jwellers is an India based retailer outlet for jwelleries. In the state of expansion of their new flagship outlet opening they wanted to have something innovative and new way to engage with their customers. They had conversation with us regarding challenges they are facing to demonstrate their rich cultural and beautiful jewellery showcase in an innovative manner.

Description of the solution:

We delivered an Virtual Reality Stunning solution to the client. We developed an entire storyline of their products showcases, where we shooted at an royal palace in a Bikaner along with Models wearing their jwelleries and putted them in a various storyline. At, the end we created a fancy and innovative movie of the Kalavarni Jewellery in Virtual Reality.


Business impact:

With this solution, on the opening of their outlet, they got huge response by the guests and new customer regarding a royal experience of jewellery in a royal place with the Virtual Reality technology. They were able to engage more people attention and attraction.