Virtual Tour For Kranti Industry

Exposit Immersive Solution Private Limited delivered Virtual Tour Solution for Kranit Industry Auto Part Manufacturing based in Pune, Maharashtra in their Virtual Tour of the entire factory.

Problem statement:

Kranti Industry was coming up with the IPO where they had demonstration of the company in various city for their IPO events. So, they had challenges to show their factory and premises which they need to demonstrate to their investors and other stakeholders. They were looking forward to some immersive and virtual option where they can show their factory to anyone at anytime.

Description of the solution:

Exposit developed a Virtual Tour for the Kranti Industry. With the help of that virtual tour they were able to visit the factory virtually with 360 immersion. They can show the types of machines they were using and all the companies premises with just a link click.


Business impact:

Virtual Tour for the Kranti Industry helped them to demonstrate their entire company’s premises and plant with the comfort of their all the event city so they were able to demonstrate and present to their potential investors and stakeholder easily with travelling actually to Pune.